Out And About: Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles

On our way to LA last week (for a cruise to Mexico), Alex and the kids surprised me with an overnight stay at the Ace Hotel.  Knowing just how much I admire the work of the design firm Commune, the experience was a perfect early birthday gift for me.  Take a look at a few favorite images of our morning on the hotel's roof deck:

Many, many thanks to Alex, Max, Ben and Zoe for [quite possibly] the most style minded gift ever!

Out And About: Farmgirl Flowers

On a buying [botanicals] mission to the San Francisco Flower Market for an upcoming event, Natalia and I encountered Farmgirl Flowers by sheer chance.  Their stand, unlike others at the mart, is a full fledged studio composed of work tables, unique vessels and locally sourced vibrant botanicals.  Daily floral arrangements are artfully composed with seasonal materials, ultimately wrapped in burlap and delivered to businesses and residences throughout San Francisco via bicycles, remaining true to this company's mission:  simple, local and beautiful.   Not only has the owner and founder Christina Stembel realized her dream of  being an eco-conscious and affordable florist, she also created a super cool work environment for her talented employees.  Take a good look:

Out And About: Crimson Horticultural Rarities

This week's Out And About features Crimson a botanical shop located in Temescal Alley, Oakland.  After hearing about it from Alex, I knew I had to check it out.  With camera in hand I ventured in to find myself surrounded by an array of curiosities, plants and gifts all very artfully displayed.  Customers continually filtered in and out of this unique shop.  One could overhear plant talk, observe friends stopping by to say hello to its owners and chat with other newcomers admiring Crimson's wares. The energy was real and infectious.  Take a look:

Out And About: Big Daddy's Antiques

One of the home goods stores I've really wanted to visit ever since we returned to the Bay Area was Big Daddy's Antiques.  Last week, I finally had the opportunity to experience this amazing retail destination.  Walking through it, one feels as though a theatrical event just wrapped up or is about to happen.  Surrounded by unique vintage finds, large scale lighting, cooing doves and dramatically displayed merchandise, one is totally transported to an artfully curated, timeless space.  Take a look at some of the visual impressions Big Daddy's Antiques left me with:

Big Daddy's Antiques can be found here.

Scenes From Big Basin State Park

This past weekend we joined 4 other families for a camping adventure in the Big Basin Redwoods State Park.  Staying in the park's tent cabins made our late Friday night arrival a breeze.   No pitching of tents for us, instead we awoke to towering  red wood trees and an army of kids and canines ready to explore.  It was great to catch up with friends that we meet  almost 15 years ago when we first lived in SF.  For a couple of days we all enjoyed the ease of outdoor living:  our kids ventured from site to site, as we chatted, ate, drank and even hiked a bit.  Take a look at a few images from the weekend: